
Name In Type Required Description
role query array false The user's role for the retrieved tasks. Possible values are: "OWNER" and "REVIEWER". If no role is specified, all tasks that are associated with the user are returned.
countChangesFrom query integer(int64) false The start time for counting changed files for each task, in milliseconds. If no time is specified, the number of all changed files is returned.
task query string false The ID of a review task to return the statistics. If no task is specified, the statistics for activity on all tasks associated with the current user are returned.

Example responses

200 Response

  "generationTime": 0,
  "tasksActivities": [
      "taskID": "string",
      "hasChanges": true,
      "lastChangedFilesCount": 0,
      "lastCommentsCount": 0,
      "lastChangedFiles": [