Post-processing the DITA Content Converted from Word
Oxygen provides refactoring actions that can be used for organizing and customizing the resulting DITA documents, to take into account various DITA best practices.
- In the Project view, the Move Resource and Rename Resource actions can be applied to DITA or non-DITA resources:
In the DITA Maps Manager view you can arrange the topics and nodes using the drag and drop support:
- There are refactoring actions for converting between DITA topic types. So, if the resulting topics look more like DITA Tasks or DITA Concepts, you can simply convert them using refactoring actions like Convert to Task, Convert to Concept and others.
- There are actions for generating unique IDs for elements (Generate IDs) or changing the ids of the topics using the file names (Change topic ID to file name).
- When resulting documents contain nested topics or sections, you can use Convert Nested Topics to New Topics or Convert Sections to New Topics to extract new files.
- Topics can be extracted from the map hierarchy into a new DITA map, using the Extract to new DITA Map action.
The Convert DITA Map to Bookmap and Convert Bookmap to DITA Map actions allow converting between map and bookmap types.
For converting links inside your documents from direct addressing to indirect key-based addressing, you can use the Define keys for all topic references action.
- There are also operations for modifying elements inside documents:
If you want to make custom batch changes to the converted documents you can create a custom refactoring operation:
Example of a custom refactoring operation.