DITA Inheritance Hierarchy
The DITA standard is based on the concept of inheritance that enables extending or restricting the vocabulary while allowing the XML content to still be regarded as valid DITA. Even in the DITA standard, there are various elements that are specializations of others (for example "b" is a specialization of "ph"). The XSLT stylesheets that are used for publishing match all DITA elements by the value of their @class attribute, so knowing how elements may extend each other may be useful when customizing the DITA XSLT stylesheets.
A DITA inheritance hierarchy list for the base DITA Topic specification is presented below:
- topic/copyryear
- topic/foreign
- mathml-d/mathml
- svg-d/svg-container
- topic/author
- topic/example
- topic/unknown
- topic/titlealts
- topic/linktext
- topic/category
- topic/data
- relmgmt-d/change-request-reference
- relmgmt-d/change-person
- relmgmt-d/change-request-id
- relmgmt-d/change-request-system
- relmgmt-d/change-completed
- relmgmt-d/change-started
- ut-d/sort-as
- relmgmt-d/change-item
- relmgmt-d/change-organization
- relmgmt-d/change-summary
- concept/data
- glossentry/glossPartOfSpeech
- glossentry/glossProperty
- glossentry/glossStatus
- relmgmt-d/change-revisionid
- topic/longdescref
- topic/audience
- topic/abstract
- concept/abstract
- glossentry/glossdef
- concept/abstract
- topic/related-links
- topic/body
- task/taskbody
- concept/conbody
- glossentry/glossBody
- troubleshooting/troublebody
- reference/refbody
- topic/ph
- hi-d/overline
- hi-d/line-through
- hi-d/sub
- pr-d/sep
- equation-d/equation-inline
- pr-d/repsep
- equation-d/equation-number
- hi-d/tt
- task/cmd
- pr-d/synph
- sw-d/userinput
- ut-d/coords
- pr-d/oper
- hi-d/sup
- pr-d/var
- sw-d/msgph
- pr-d/codeph
- ui-d/uicontrol
- hi-d/i
- hi-d/u
- sw-d/filepath
- sw-d/systemoutput
- pr-d/delim
- hi-d/b
- ui-d/menucascade
- topic/object
- topic/fig
- ut-d/imagemap
- pr-d/syntaxdiagram
- equation-d/equation-figure
- topic/featnum
- topic/lines
- topic/brand
- topic/state
- topic/source
- topic/link
- topic/vrm
- topic/sli
- topic/navtitle
- topic/figgroup
- pr-d/synblk
- pr-d/fragment
- ut-d/area
- pr-d/groupcomp
- pr-d/groupseq
- pr-d/groupchoice
- topic/note
- hazard-d/hazardstatement
- concept/note
- glossentry/glossScopeNote
- glossentry/glossUsage
- topic/ol
- task/substeps
- task/steps
- topic/stentry
- task/choption
- reference/propvalue
- reference/propvaluehd
- reference/propdeschd
- reference/propdesc
- reference/proptype
- reference/proptypehd
- task/choptionhd
- task/chdesc
- task/chdeschd
- topic/dlentry
- pr-d/plentry
- topic/vrmlist
- topic/entry
- topic/fn
- pr-d/synnote
- topic/xref
- mathml-d/mathmlref
- svg-d/svgref
- concept/xref
- glossentry/glossAlternateFor
- pr-d/synnoteref
- pr-d/fragref
- pr-d/coderef
- topic/component
- topic/series
- topic/bodydiv
- reference/refbodydiv
- troubleshooting/troubleSolution
- concept/conbodydiv
- topic/data-about
- topic/tgroup
- topic/keywords
- topic/boolean
- topic/critdates
- topic/strow
- task/chrow
- reference/property
- topic/simpletable
- reference/properties
- task/choicetable
- topic/linklist
- topic/revised
- topic/table
- topic/dt
- pr-d/pt
- topic/image
- hazard-d/hazardsymbol
- concept/image
- glossentry/glossSymbol
- topic/ul
- hazard-d/messagepanel
- task/choices
- task/steps-unordered
- topic/p
- concept/p
- glossentry/glossSurfaceForm
- troubleshooting/responsibleParty
- concept/p
- topic/q
- topic/linkinfo
- topic/dd
- pr-d/pd
- topic/lq
- topic/prodinfo
- topic/dl
- pr-d/parml
- topic/prolog
- topic/indextermref
- topic/copyright
- topic/div
- equation-d/equation-block
- topic/sthead
- task/chhead
- reference/prophead
- topic/tbody
- topic/searchtitle
- topic/colspec
- topic/created
- topic/tm
- topic/text
- topic/cite
- topic/li
- hazard-d/howtoavoid
- task/step
- task/substep
- hazard-d/consequence
- hazard-d/typeofhazard
- task/choice
- task/stepsection
- topic/permissions
- topic/no-topic-nesting
- topic/dlhead
- topic/prodname
- topic/index-base
- indexing-d/index-sort-as
- indexing-d/index-see
- indexing-d/index-see-also
- topic/indexterm
- topic/copyrholder
- topic/longquoteref
- topic/required-cleanup
- topic/ddhd
- topic/sl
- topic/draft-comment
- topic/section
- task/postreq
- task/result
- troubleshooting/remedy
- task/tasktroubleshooting
- concept/section
- glossentry/glossAlt
- task/context
- troubleshooting/cause
- task/steps-informal
- reference/refsyn
- task/prereq
- troubleshooting/condition
- topic/pre
- sw-d/msgblock
- pr-d/codeblock
- ui-d/screen
- topic/topic
- troubleshooting/troubleshooting
- concept/concept
- glossgroup/glossgroup
- glossentry/glossentry
- reference/reference
- task/task
- topic/platform
- topic/alt
- topic/keyword
- ui-d/shortcut
- markup-d/markupname
- xml-d/parameterentity
- xml-d/xmlatt
- xml-d/numcharref
- xml-d/xmlpi
- xml-d/textentity
- xml-d/xmlnsname
- xml-d/xmlelement
- pr-d/parmname
- pr-d/option
- sw-d/cmdname
- ui-d/wintitle
- ut-d/shape
- sw-d/varname
- pr-d/apiname
- pr-d/kwd
- sw-d/msgnum
- topic/thead
- topic/publisher
- topic/desc
- topic/term
- abbrev-d/abbreviated-form
- topic/title
- concept/title
- glossentry/glossShortForm
- glossentry/glossAbbreviation
- glossentry/glossSynonym
- glossentry/glossterm
- glossentry/glossAcronym
- concept/title
- topic/itemgroup
- task/steptroubleshooting
- task/tutorialinfo
- task/info
- task/stepxmp
- task/stepresult
- topic/row
- topic/linkpool
- topic/param
- topic/shortdesc
- topic/resourceid
- topic/dthd
- topic/metadata
- relmgmt-d/change-historylist
- topic/othermeta
- topic/prognum
- topic/sectiondiv
A DITA inheritance hierarchy list for the base DITA Map specification is presented below:
- abbrev-d/abbreviated-form
- delay-d/anchorkey
- delay-d/exportanchors
- ditavalref-d/ditavalmeta
- ditavalref-d/dvrResourceSuffix
- hazard-d/hazardstatement
- hazard-d/hazardsymbol
- hazard-d/messagepanel
- hazard-d/typeofhazard
- indexing-d/index-sort-as
- map/topicmeta
- map/topicref
- ditavalref-d/ditavalref
- glossref-d/glossref
- mapgroup-d/anchorref
- mapgroup-d/keydef
- mapgroup-d/mapref
- mapgroup-d/topichead
- mapgroup-d/topicset
- mapgroup-d/topicsetref
- mapgroup-d/topicgroup
- pr-d/parml
- pr-d/pd
- pr-d/plentry
- pr-d/pt
- pr-d/synblk
- pr-d/synnote
- pr-d/synnoteref
- relmgmt-d/change-historylist
- sw-d/msgblock
- sw-d/userinput
- topic/data
- ditavalref-d/dvrKeyscopePrefix
- ditavalref-d/dvrKeyscopeSuffix
- ditavalref-d/dvrResourcePrefix
- relmgmt-d/change-completed
- relmgmt-d/change-item
- relmgmt-d/change-organization
- relmgmt-d/change-person
- relmgmt-d/change-request-id
- relmgmt-d/change-request-reference
- relmgmt-d/change-request-system
- relmgmt-d/change-revisionid
- relmgmt-d/change-started
- relmgmt-d/change-summary
- ut-d/sort-as
- topic/dd
- topic/dl
- topic/dlentry
- topic/dt
- topic/fig
- pr-d/syntaxdiagram
- topic/figgroup
- pr-d/fragment
- pr-d/groupchoice
- pr-d/groupcomp
- pr-d/groupseq
- ut-d/area
- topic/fn
- topic/image
- topic/index-base
- indexing-d/index-see
- indexing-d/index-see-also
- topic/keyword
- delay-d/anchorid
- markup-d/markupname
- xml-d/numcharref
- xml-d/parameterentity
- xml-d/textentity
- xml-d/xmlatt
- xml-d/xmlnsname
- xml-d/xmlpi
- pr-d/apiname
- pr-d/kwd
- pr-d/option
- pr-d/parmname
- sw-d/cmdname
- sw-d/msgnum
- sw-d/varname
- ui-d/shortcut
- ui-d/wintitle
- ut-d/shape
- xml-d/xmlelement
- topic/keywords
- topic/li
- hazard-d/consequence
- hazard-d/howtoavoid
- topic/metadata
- topic/note
- topic/ph
- hi-d/b
- hi-d/i
- hi-d/line-through
- hi-d/overline
- hi-d/sub
- hi-d/sup
- hi-d/tt
- hi-d/u
- pr-d/codeph
- pr-d/delim
- pr-d/oper
- pr-d/repsep
- pr-d/sep
- pr-d/synph
- pr-d/var
- sw-d/filepath
- sw-d/msgph
- sw-d/systemoutput
- ui-d/menucascade
- ui-d/uicontrol
- ut-d/coords
- topic/pre
- pr-d/codeblock
- ui-d/screen
- topic/term
- topic/ul
- topic/xref
- pr-d/coderef
- pr-d/fragref
- ut-d/imagemap